gpart destroy, zpool destroy, zfs destroy under securelevel 3

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at
Thu May 29 08:12:19 UTC 2014

On 26.05.2014 17:31, Vladimir Sharun wrote:
> Hello FreeBSD community,
> Recently plays with securelevel and what I discover: no chance for
> data to survive against remote root, except backups of course. Maybe
> this log can be a proposal for raising securelevel further or include
> securelevel support against the software which can deal with zfs and
> GEOM labels ?


if you have root privileges you can just write some random bytes in some
places and this will be enough to break your system. So, restricting
some gpart's or zpool's actions depending from securelevel looks like
protection from kids.

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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