RFT vidcontrol for vt(4)

Aleksandr Rybalko ray at ddteam.net
Mon May 12 19:58:20 UTC 2014

On 12 травня 2014 р. 18:25:52 GMT+03:00, Nathan Whitehorn <nwhitehorn at freebsd.org> wrote:
>On 05/12/14 08:10, Claude Buisson wrote:
>>>> What I have to do to get scrolling on every ttyvN ?
>>>> The only way to get the system working in normal VGA mode (640x480)
>>>> (not loading
>>>> the drm2 and radeon kms modules by loader.conf) is by configuring 
>>>> the BIOS to
>>>> not do display expansion - which leads to the same ridiculously 
>>>> small font..
>>>> And of course, kbdmux keeps being mandatory to be able to load a 
>>>> keymap.
>>> Yeah, I still remember. :)
>> This could be noted in the newly born vt(4) man page ..
>Is there any reason not to have kbdmux be mandatory at this point? 
>Having it be non-optional would simplify a lot of code and most of the 
>code for the non-kbdmux case is heavily bitrotten at this point (see

Looks like we should just add vt as of dependency to kbdmux.

Aleksandr Rybalko <ray at ddteam.net>

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