Leaving the Desktop Market

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Sat May 10 07:35:58 UTC 2014

El día Wednesday, May 07, 2014 a las 12:14:16PM +0800, Jia-Shiun Li escribió:

> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Matthias Apitz <guru at unixarea.de> wrote:
> >
> > # dmesg
> > ...
> > CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor          900MHz (900.11-MHz 686-class CPU)
> >   Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x6d8  Family = 0x6  Model = 0xd  Stepping = 8
> >   AMD Features=0x100000<NX>
> > real memory  = 2147483648 (2048 MB)
> > avail memory = 2076614656 (1980 MB)
> >
> The Celeron M CPU is a Pentium-M without EIST. Otherwise you'd see EST
> bit set in Features2. See https://wiki.freebsd.org/AsusEee. Guess
> that's why Asus deliberately underclocked it to 630MHz in the first
> gen EEE PC 701 - no automatic way available.
> Don't know if p4tcc or acpi_throttle helps, though.

The output on the EeePC (or its battery) is pretty much useless; this is
after 2880 secs uptime:

$ acpiconf -i0
Design capacity:	4400 mAh
Last full capacity:	100 mAh
Technology:		secondary (rechargeable)
Design voltage:		8400 mV
Capacity (warn):	20 mAh
Capacity (low):		10 mAh
Low/warn granularity:	44 mAh
Warn/full granularity:	44 mAh
Model number:		900
Serial number:		 
Type:			LION
OEM info:		ASUS
State:			discharging 
Remaining capacity:	60%
Remaining time:		unknown
Present rate:		unknown
Present voltage:	7243 mV

There is no indication about 'Present rate' and 'Remaining time'.
Over all, with external USB UMTS modem active and KDE4 up, the battery
lasts only a bit more than one hour. The label on the bat says 6600 mAh,
while acpiconf reads 4400 mAh. Due to the lack of 'Present rate' it's
not possible to calculate what the bat gives at all. I will try to build
something to attach a voltage meter between the bat and the laptop.


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