ale(4) cannot negotiate as GigE

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Fri May 9 06:54:26 UTC 2014

On Fri, May 09, 2014 at 02:38:16PM +0900, Yonghyeon PYUN wrote:
> On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 05:23:32PM +0000, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> > I just had a chance to plug the Ethernet cable directly into my laptop's
> > bge(4) port, and it immediately negotiated at 1000baseT; but with the switch,
> > it can only feel fine with 10baseT/UTP (after some 1000baseT-no carrier flip
> > flopping).  So it looks like it fails to talk to the switch.  Given that this
> > switch of mine in a simple (dumb) piece of equipment, any ideas how to help
> > ale(4) to negotiate with it at full speed?
> Because there is no publicly available data sheet for Atheros F1
> PHY I'm not sure what could be done in this case.  The only thing
> I can think of at this moment is announcement of next page in auto
> negotiation. [...]
> Try attached patch and let me know whether this makes any
> difference for you.  You may have to cold boot the box because
> stock driver used to clear next page bit in auto-negotiation.

Thanks for the patch, but it does not make any noticeable difference.  I'll
try to boot some Ubuntu livecd to see if it works there; eventually I might
have to simply go out and buy some PCI-E gigE card. :(


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