Leaving the Desktop Market

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Mon May 5 09:17:25 UTC 2014

El día Saturday, May 03, 2014 a las 04:59:48PM -0700, Kevin Oberman escribió:

> Available is not required. Set it to C8. That guarantees that you will use
> the lowest available. The correct incantation in rc.conf is "Cmax".
> performance_cx_lowest="Cmax"
> economy_cx_lowest="Cmax"
> But, unless you want laggy performance, you will probably also want:
> hint.p4tcc.0.disabled=1
> hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled=1
> in /boot/loader.conf. Low Cx states and TCC/throttling simply don't mix
> well and TCC is not effective, as mentioned earlier in this thread.

In the output of:

$ sysctl -a | fgrep dev.cpu.0.freq_
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 1600/2000 1333/1533 1066/1066 800/600

what does mean the value after the slash .../nnnn ?


Matthias Apitz               |  /"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign:
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