Keyboard issues in KDE when using vt

Jos Backus jos at
Sun Mar 16 21:32:34 UTC 2014

Hi Claude,

On Mar 15, 2014 3:24 PM, "Claude Buisson" <clbuisson at> wrote:
> On 03/15/2014 19:04, Jos Backus wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I replaced sc with vt and start KDE, my PS/2 keyboard doesn't work
>> properly. Initially after an xterm comes up, I can't type at all (no
>> keystrokes are regularly) but after a few seconds a key starts repeating
>> the repeat rate, and there is no correlation between the keys pressed and
>> the keystrokes displayed. When I rebuild the same kernel with sc,
>> everything works normally. As far as I can tell, this has been happening
>> ever since vt was committed.
>> Please let me know how I can help debug this problem.
> This looks like the problem I encountered a few weeks ago, with a custom
> which did not show with the GENERIC kernel.
> I solved it by including the kbdmux device in my kernel.

That solved it for me, too. Perhaps this should be mentioned in the vt

>> Thanks,
>> Jos
> Hope that helps,

It did, thanks!


> CBu
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