warning: filename ends with '.', which is not allowed on Windows: 'tools/test/sort/bigtest/q-1.024.003.'

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Sat Mar 8 02:34:36 UTC 2014

On Mar 7, 2014, at 6:30 PM, Adrian Chadd <adrian at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> On 7 March 2014 15:25, Warner Losh <imp at bsdimp.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Eitan Adler <lists at eitanadler.com> wrote:
>>> On 7 March 2014 13:50, Rui Paulo <rpaulo at felyko.com> wrote:
>>>> On 7 Mar 2014, at 10:38, David Chisnall <theraven at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 7 Mar 2014, at 16:41, Rui Paulo <rpaulo at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6 Mar 2014, at 23:30, David Xu <davidxu at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> it seems filename ended with a dot is illegal on Windows, if someone
>>>>>>> wants to check out freebsd source code on Windows, it will be a problem.
>>>>>> Is this something we want to support?
>>>>> Yes, definitely.  Building FreeBSD on other platforms is one of the requests we get very often from embedded systems vendors.  Cheap virtualisation has made it less urgent (they can just stick a FreeBSD VirtualBox VM on their workstations), but it's definitely something we'd like eventually.  To my knowledge, no one is working on it, but we should aim to make life easy for whoever does...
>>>> I guess I should clarify: I wasn't talking about cross building in general, but specifically on Windows.  It's far easier to setup a case-sensitive file system on OS X and cross build FreeBSD from there than it is on Windows.
>>> Over 50% of the people that come to FreeBSD.org run windows.  If it is
>>> possible to support building on windows, we should try.
>> The big issue isn't case sensitivity or file names ending in dot. The real issue is that our build just isn't setup for this at the moment and it would be a big lift to make it work at all. Sure, go ahead and fix this minor flea-bite of an issue, but there are several large elephant-sized issues before we could have even a tiny chance of doing this...
> are those issues documented anywhere? :)

I believe I talked to some notes at a developer’s summit 5 years ago or so on what I found. The hardest part is bootstrapping the tools needed in the build.


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