geli passpharse only accepts first attempt, fails all others even if correct

Miguel Clara miguelmclara at
Thu Jun 5 21:07:56 UTC 2014

On June 5, 2014 9:11:22 PM GMT+01:00, Allan Jude <allanjude at> wrote:
>On 2014-06-05 15:54, Miguel Clara wrote:
>> In FreeBSD 10 if I fail to type my geli passphase at boot I can try 2
>more times...
>> In 11 current I see the 3 attempts too.. But I fail the the first it
>will always deny the others even if they are correct.. 
>> I tested this on purpose countless time and just update my source and
>recompiled and still see this issue.
>> Is anyone else using geli on current and noticing this behavior?
>> Note: using zfs... Not sure if that might be related but I also have
>zfs+geli on 10 and works nice.
>> Thanks, 
>> Miguel Clara
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>Brad David (brd@) and I discovered this while testing some changes to
>the zfsboot installer. We then found there has been a PR for this for a
>while. Brad has a patch out for review that solves it, hopefully we'll
>have news on that soon

Is there a link to that PR/patch? Maybe I can test if it works. 

Thanks for the reply.

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