Make variables to force non default libraries and includes?

Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Apr 28 17:57:13 UTC 2014

On 4/28/14, 11:57 PM, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> On 4/28/14 12:48 AM, Julian Elischer wrote:
>> I need to do the equivalent of  "cd /usr/src/cddl/usr.sbin/dtrace; 
>> make DESTDIR=/mumble all install"
>> but it pulls in libraries from the base system, which differ 
>> slightly from those in the source tree.
>> How can I force it to use /mumble2/include and /mumble2/lib instead 
>> of / ?
>> I can pre-populate /mumble2 using "make buildworld", "make 
>> libraries", and "make includes" but
>> I need to be able to do selective builds of just subdirectories 
>> after that..  I haven't spotted the right way of forcing the use of 
>> the "--system_root /mumble2" option in the compiles.
>> I know we do it in 'buildworld' is there a more generic way?
>> I have been looking in the .mk files but I haven't spotted it so far.
> There may be a way to use bsd.*.mk to do this, however we just use 
> chroots + nullfs mounts.
> Basically we buildworld into a directory and then nullfs mount our 
> other sources under it, then we chroot to that "build".
> I recommend doing this (or even using vms) as it's way too easy to 
> introduce contamination from the host build environment otherwise.

we already do this.. but it's more complicated than that..
we end up needing both a chroot (as a stable build environment) AND
a separate toolchain directory (like buildworld uses) which can be 
perturbed by some of our local sources..
anyhow, I now have the answer as to what to use..
"make buildenv "  and "make toolchain" are the two points of interst 
for what I need.

> -Alfred
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