Booting from ZFS root on MBR layout fails on ThinkPad X61s

Allan Jude freebsd at
Wed Apr 23 20:54:27 UTC 2014

On 2014-04-23 16:33, Andrey Fesenko wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 2:01 AM, Sevan / Venture37 <venture37 at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I decided to wipe away the disk in my X61s & start afresh with a new
>> install of FreeBSD-Current at the same time switching to root on ZFS
>> (previously /boot was on UFS).
>> I've been unsuccessful in being able get the system to boot, after
>> trying various combinations of
>> I switched back to
>> using the install menu option & just switching from GPT to MBR
>> (everything else as default).
>> Once install completes & the system reboots, the system hangs at a prompt.
>> I was pointed to a post regarding modifying partition ID's by Allan
>> Jude as there seems to have been an issue with ThinkPads & FreeBSD in
>> the past. This also didn't work & caused the system to reset.
>> What should be my next step for trying to debug this issue?
>> Sevan / Venture37
> It seems there are some problems with compatibility :(
> I'm have X220 my config
> # camcontrol devlist
> <Corsair Neutron SSD M206>         at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (ada0,pass0)
> <OCZ-NOCTI 2.15>                   at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (ada1,pass1)
>  % gpart show
> =>       63  468862065  ada0  MBR  (224G)
>          63  234441585     1  freebsd  (112G)
>   234441648  234420480     2  freebsd  (112G)
> =>        0  234441585  ada0s1  BSD  (112G)
>           0  234441585       1  freebsd-zfs  (112G)
> =>       63  234441585  ada1  MBR  (112G)
>          63  234441585     1  freebsd  [active]  (112G)
> =>        0  234441585  ada1s1  BSD  (112G)
>           0  234441585       1  freebsd-zfs  (112G)
> system ZFS mirror x220pool (ada0s1a ada1s1a) boot only ada1 (msata) disk.
> Boot with GPT not work, black screen and reboot without any menu.
> When I used HDD as ada1 boot with him work MBR method
> Might be worth trying to boot from UEFI but it's still an experimental
> method
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If anyone who is having trouble getting ZFS booting on one of these
Lenovos is going to be at BSDCan, and has a spare disk they are willing
to let me hack on, I would be interested in trying to get it booting for
you so we can develop a solution to this issue if there is one. I am
under the impression the issue is the way gpart does the MBR (or pMBR)
with respect to the 'active' flag, but there are a number of different
things i'd like to try.

It all works flawlessly on my T530

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