Audio Hints, T520?

Michael Schmiedgen schmiedgen at
Mon May 6 01:25:55 UTC 2013

On 04.05.2013 06:14, Sean Bruno wrote:
> Speaker/headphones working great on Current.
> Was trying to get the microphone working, but it seems to not quite be
> working.

I got the same problem with my X220. Before the last Lenovo
HDA quirk commits everything worked fine, but I had to set
the default sound unit to 1.
Now I do not need to set the sound unit, audio output works
out of the box but recording does not work anymore. I fiddled
with nid config but got bored after the fifth reboot.

The behaviour changed at my last world build a month ago.

I can supply dmesg or sysctl output if you want.


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