mounting root from NFS via ROOTDEVNAME

Eggert, Lars lars at
Mon Jan 28 15:13:54 UTC 2013


I'm trying to netboot a system where the root device is specified in the kernel via ROOTDEVNAME:

options         BOOTP
options         BOOTP_NFSROOT
options         BOOTP_NFSV3
options         BOOTP_COMPAT
options         BOOTP_WIRED_TO=em4
options         ROOTDEVNAME=\"nfs:\"

I was under the assumption that specifying a ROOTDEVNAME in the kernel config would override the "root-path" option in DHCP, or at least take effect when "root-path" wasn't provided via DHCP, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The system configures it's address correctly over em4, but then enters a loop:

em4: link state changed to UP
Received DHCP Offer packet on em4 from (accepted) (no root path)
Sending DHCP Request packet from interface em4 (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
Received DHCP Ack packet on em4 from (accepted) (no root path)
Received DHCP Ack packet on em4 from (accepted) (no root path)
DHCP/BOOTP timeout for server
Received DHCP Ack packet on em4 from (accepted) (no root path)
DHCP/BOOTP timeout for server

If I hand out a root path via DHCP the system boots fine, but the idea here is to be able to boot different root devices without needing to diddle dhcpd.conf. Can this be done?


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