Light humour

Alexander Yerenkow yerenkow at
Sun Apr 28 18:07:21 UTC 2013

Not criticizing, just commenting.
I heard such utter nonsense sometimes, in which people do believe despite
all common sense, that I'm not amused, but scared :)
This blog is humor to very small, limited group of people, and at same time
it's anti-bsd blog to bigger audience, who will not bother read some lines,
instead peek in title, get few words here, few there, and close it. In they
memory will be essence - that *BSD is suck, probably not allover, but they
will remember that there are exist areas in which BSD have big problems.
Mix this with lacking `nextgen techs` like KMS, decent virtualization
level, no utf-8 in console and other myths, partial myths, or obsolete
problems of old releases, and you'll receive bad opinion on BSD.
But, there's not much to be done actually :)

Alexander Yerenkow

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