panic when booting HEAD on i386

Joshua Isom jrisom at
Sun Apr 21 15:02:01 UTC 2013

On 4/21/2013 6:54 AM, Ganbold Tsagaankhuu wrote:
> As mentioned in one of my previous email I have 2GB machine which is
> probably not worth to have zfs on such system.
> Sorry for the noise.
> thanks,
> Ganbold

Before I upgraded my system, I used 2GB of ram with ZFS on root, no UFS 
on the system.  Right now my ARC is 17GB, and in some situations it 
seems slower with the excess caching.  Here are the memory settings I used.


One major difference is I'm using amd64, not i386.  Although ZFS works 
on i386, it uses a lot of 64 bit math, for performance reasons you 
should use ZFS on amd64.

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