updating ports to HEAD

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 05:25:52 UTC 2013

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Matthias Apitz <guru at unixarea.de> wrote:

> El día Monday, April 01, 2013 a las 08:54:59PM -0700, Kevin Oberman
> escribió:
> > > Is there something in the base system of r235646 which would not allow
> > > to do so, i.e. which is to old for HEAD of ports?
> > >
> >
> > I'm not quite sure what you mean by  "update /usr/ports with SVN to
> HEAD",
> > since ports does not branch, so any time you "svn up /usr/potrts", it is
> > updated to head.
> I used the term 'HEAD' because the SVN command I have used was:
> # svn co https://svn0.us-west.FreeBSD.org/ports/head /usr/ports

Assuming you previously deleted /usr/ports/*, that should so it

> > Any version of FreeBSD 8 or newer should work fine with
> > ports/head.  Note that some ports will need to be compiled with gcc as
> not
> > all will work with clang.
> thanks;
> >
> > Are you having a problem updating (or checking out) head or with some of
> > the ports after the update?
> the system in question hast around 1200 ports compiled based on the CVS
> checkout of ports on May 19 last year; I want to check if I could
> compile Ekiga out of its GIT, wich needs gtk+3.4.x and other recent
> stuff; I will just for a test rename /usr/local and /var/db/pkg, update
> the ports to 'HEAD' and compile them again to see if this would solve
> the problem and make Ekiga happy.
> Thanks for your feedback

Good luck. I suspect a successful update of ptlib will be the real tricky
part. At least it gave me headaches back when I was using Ekiga.

Also, gtk-3 has well over 400 dependencies. You will probably need to
update some of these, so check UPDATING for those that need special
attention. Good luck!

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at gmail.com

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