Alexander Motin mav at
Mon May 7 14:35:33 UTC 2012

The only argument that stopped me is that GEOM_RAID is more active in
probing for metadata then ataraid. Now it tastes all 6 formats on every
provider in system. ataraid tasted only first level and subset of formats
depending on controller vendor. While it is possible to do the same, I am
not sure it should be done.

But may be that all is not really a problem. Most users won't notice few
extra requests unless something happen like disk failure, that can make
boot to take much longer.

07.05.2012 16:24 пользователь "John Baldwin" <jhb at> написал:
> I installed 9.0 on a new desktop that used Intel's on-board RAID
yesterday and
> it worked great.  One nit though is I had to remember to kldload geom_raid
> manually from the shell before starting the install, and to load it from
> loader on the first boot after install.  The old ataraid(4) was present in
> GENERIC, so I think it would be fine for GEOM_RAID to be present in
> now (certainly on x86).  What do you think?
> --
> John Baldwin

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