/usr/bin/tar creates invalid lib file

Tim Kientzle tim at kientzle.com
Sun Mar 25 23:25:08 UTC 2012

On Mar 25, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Gleb Kurtsou wrote:

> On (25/03/2012 10:53), Tim Kientzle wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 2012, at 5:53 AM, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>>> On 24.03.2012 21:00, Tim Kientzle wrote:
>>>> On Mar 23, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>>>> Can you send me the output of:
>>>> tar -cvf /tmp/test.tar /usr/ports/devel/nspr/work/nspr-4.9/mozilla/nsprpub/build/dist/lib/../../pr/src/./libnspr4.so.1
>>>> (A tar archive containing only that one source file.)
>>>> This looks similar to a bug that we found in libarchive recently
>>>> I didn't think that bug impacted FreeBSD, but I may have been
>>>> wrong….  if it did, it will be obvious from the structure of the
>>>> created archive.
>>> The following file is extracted after tarring:
>>> -----
>>> % hd libnspr4.so.1
>>> 00000000  32 0a 30 0a 30 0a 32 34  31 39 37 31 0a 30 0a 00 ||
>>> 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
>>> *
>>> 00000200
>>> -----
>>> The tar file itself attached (3KB in length).
>> Ugh.  I'll probably need your help to diagnose this more precisely.
>> Here is the root problem:   tar thinks this is a sparse file
>> with nothing in it.    On FreeBSD, bsdtar now uses
>> lseek(SEEK_HOLE) to identify holes in the file.  For
>> some reason, bsdtar is storing this file as just one big hole.
> I experience a related issue. lseek(SEEK_HOLE) error checks are too
> strict. Files are not added to archive if lseek(SEEK_HOLE) fails.
> Ignoring lseek(SEEK_HOLE) at least in ENOTTY case would be preferable.

This has already been fixed upstream.  I'll get the
fix merged soon…

Boris:  What filesystem are you using?


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