Unable to resume amd64 machine

Gustau Pérez i Querol gperez at entel.upc.edu
Fri Jun 29 08:31:56 UTC 2012


   I've trying to suspend/resume an amd64 machine. The machine is a 
fujitsu S710 laptop running:

          FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #4 r237339=e61ad3a-dirty: Sat Jun 23 
17:12:58 CEST 2012

   I did the tests in the following conditions:

   - No X running. Everything in console. The machine has an Intel video 
card, but I did the tests without the i915kms module.
   - I removed all the modules I could from the kernel.

   The behavior is basically the machine seems to suspend fine (I see 
the power led blinking) but when resuming it freezes hard. I see the 
disk spinning for a while and then it stops. I can't ssh to it, I can't 
use the keyboard at all so I can issue no command at all.

   I've tried stripping down the kernel (everything is out except 
if_ath, em and usb stack). No pccard, no sdhci, no sound, no cuse4bsd, 
no usb hid devices (I'm using uhidd for hid devices), no acpi_video or 
acpi_fujitsu there but the same result.

   I tried enabling debug.acpi.resume_beep=1. When doing this, the 
laptop beeped like crazy.

   I tried using the serial console on the laptop. I saw the suspend 
process taking down some usb devices. Resume showed nothing on the 
serial console.

   With sysctl debug.acpi.suspend_bounce=1, the machine stayed alive 
(this is expected) but the screen went blank (this I think isn't 
expected). The video never came back. The three-finger-salute rebooted 
the machine.

   With acpi.reset_video I got no result.

   Disabling devices in the BIOS (removing wifi, bluetooth, webcam, etc 
...) didn't bring me further.

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O O O Gustau Pérez i Querol
O O O Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica
O O O Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
       Edifici C3 - Despatx S101-B
  UPC  Campus Nord UPC
       C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
       08034 - Barcelona

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