portmaster and pkgng

Hartmann, O. ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jul 23 09:31:07 UTC 2012

On 07/23/12 11:07, Chris Rees wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2012 09:44, "Hartmann, O." <ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I'd like to try pkgng with portmaster. I see that "pkg2ng" is involving
>> the directory /var/db/pkg, so this implies that there may implications
>> also for usage with ports-mgmt/portmaster. portmaster is supposed to be
>> the tool completely dependend on system's toolsets, isn't it?
>> I know that "pkg" is supposed to be more for binary maintainance of the
>> system, but I'd like to be "stuck" with compiling my ports. Is there an
>> issue with that?
>> Thanks inadvance and sorry for the (naive) noise.
> Of course you can stay with compiling your ports directly, but I think
> you'll be so amazed with how easy it is to make binary package sets
> yourself and use them that you'll use them instead :). You still have all
> the advantages of compiling from source.
> http://blog.etoilebsd.net/post/Home_made_pkgng_repo
> Chris

Hello Chris.

I need to go step by step. I installed ports-mgmt/pkg and did a pkg2ng
and watched the folder /var/db/pkg has been backuped and then changed
towards the pkgng usage.

portmaster now is not recognizing anymore the format of the /var/db/pkg
folder - for those considered the knowledged no surprise, for me simply
the indication that portmaster usage isn't usable as usual.

Well, if I understand it right, pkg is considered to be for binary
packages and does not make portmaster obsolete, if I'm inclined
compiling my ports myself, am I right?

Well, I thought I read in here that pkg has now a much more
sophisticated tracking of dependencies - usage of SQLite implies, that
there is now a great opportunity of doing well in tracking problems and
versioning (I might be wrong).

I tried to follow the chat on the list about pkgng, but for the rush I
didn't figured out whether portmaster is considered obsolete - I saw
patches for portupgrade flushing in, so my logic has been falsified by
that implicitely ...

Thanks for the link, I'll see what it about, sounds promising ...


Oliver Hartmann
Freie Universität Berlin
Planetologie und Fernerkundung
Malteserstr. 74 - 100/Haus D
D-12249 Berlin

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