Why NOT using FreeBSD? Re: ports/169581: editors/libreoffice:

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Sat Jul 7 12:34:43 UTC 2012

Doug Barton writes:
>  > /me officially gives up with that libreoffice port, open for
>  > new volunteers  
>  If you don't have time to work on the port, then don't, that's
>  not a problem. But throwing a hissy fit here doesn't help at all.

	Cut tha man some slack.
	As far as I can tell, he's been point - and often _only_ -
person wrangling the herd of 250 pound cats that is LibreOffice (and
posibly OpenOffice before that).
	At this he has done a superior job.  However, there has
recently been {subtle, tenacious} breakage that a) is not his fault,
b) he's gotten a lot of complaints about from people who don't
understand what's involved (you're not on that list), even though c)
he's been working hard to find and fix the problem.
	If he wants a moment to vent, and maybe ask "is this worth it?"
... he's earned it.

					Robert Huff

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