Why NOT using FreeBSD? Re: ports/169581: editors/libreoffice:

Chris Rees utisoft at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 10:30:30 UTC 2012

On Jul 3, 2012 10:00 AM, "Hartmann, O." <ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> On 07/02/12 08:09, Sayetsky Anton wrote:
> > I will test libreoffice build on 8.3-RELEASE today or tomorrow.
> > I have both gstreamer and boost installed now.
> >
> We use FreeBSD 9.0STABLE and FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT (both amd64).
> devel/boost-lib gets reeled in now by editors/libreoffice by default, so
> it doesn't need to be installed explicitely.
> I saw a patch flushed in yesterday, submitted by bapt at . This patch also
> installs LLVM/CLANG from the ports - with ASSERTS deactivated.
> I have on both systems, FreeBSD 9 and 10, LLVM/CLANG 3.1 as the standard
> backend compiler, I guess this version has the suspected ASSERTS
> Why another LLVM port? We already have LLVM/CLANG in the base system (9
> and 19). If the ASSERTS proble is the cause for breaks reported on the
> list and elsewhere on the net, why isn't the maintainer still stuck on
> the "old" version?
> I just managed it to install the prior version on broken systems and was
> really lucky having LibreOffice working again. But the other day I was
> bothered by the next non-working version and now I have lots of
> notebooks remaining with NO LibreOffice on FBSD 9-STABLE.
> This is not what I expect from quality securing! It is simply a mess and
> definitely another reason and point for the thread "Why NOT using

For anyone struggling with the new version of libreoffice, I made a package
for 9/amd64.


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