Occassional "permission denied" in the middle of a large transfer over NFS

Andrey Simonenko simon at comsys.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua
Mon Jul 2 12:05:14 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 12:13:30PM +0100, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
> On 01/07/2012 01:53, Rick Macklem wrote:
> >>>
> > I haven't looked at Andrey's patch, but conceptually it sounds like
> > the best approach. As I understand it, the problem with replacing
> > mountd with nfse (at least in the FreeBSD source tree) is that nfse
> > is not 100% backwards compatible with /etc/exports and, as such, is
> > a POLA violation.
> Understood. Its far from a simple drop in replacement.

List of difference between "nfse -C ..." (compatible mode with mountd)
and mountd is given here:


If we ignore absence of some obsolete options support and some command
line options, the rest of differences visible to a user will occur only
if one does not follow rules of exports(5) file format.

The native mode of nfse (nfs.exports(5) file format) is different
than the logic of mountd, just because using existent exports(5) file
format it is impossible to specify export of not mounted file system,
it is impossible to specify all export settings for one file system in
one line, etc.

Can you verify whether nfse compatible mode with mountd is really
compatible with exports(5) files on your systems using instructions
from this message (no installation or patching is required):


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