[Freebsd 9] [amd64] [USB] [HPLIP] what's the (new) right way to manage hplip usb-plugged printers, running Freebsd 9

David Marec david.marec at davenulle.org
Sun Oct 30 09:34:15 UTC 2011

Le 30.10.2011 10:04, Jakub Lach a écrit :

> Or "just" extend hplip section in handbook.
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/printing-lpd-alternatives.html

It should be a good idea, I agree.
Especially in this case, where nobody now knows how and where HPLIP 
rights have to be settled.

> It could be roughly based upon this:
> http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/hplip.php

This one is really outdated.

It seems that `hpiod` and `hpssd` are not  useful  in any way, and, 
mostly, the use of devfs stands for :setting rights for everyone (or 
close to) on USB system.

Et je vais rater ma béarnaise si je continue à répondre.

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