problems with em(4) since update to driver 7.2.2

Arnaud Lacombe lacombar at
Thu May 5 06:03:49 UTC 2011


On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Arnaud Lacombe <lacombar at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Jack Vogel <jfvogel at> wrote:
>> I have had my validation engineer busy all day, we have tried both
>> a 9 kernel as well as 8.2,  using the code from HEAD, and we
>> cannot reproduce this problem.
> Actually, it can be trivially reproduced by tainting `error'. As it is
> uninitialized in HEAD, it's value can be _anything_, so let's mark it
> as explicitly invalid.
> diff -u ./if_em.c /data/src/freebsd/em-7.2.2/src/if_em.c
> --- ./if_em.c   2011-02-18 01:18:23.000000000 -0500
> +++ /data/src/freebsd/em-7.2.2/src/if_em.c      2011-05-05
> 01:12:01.000000000 -0400
> @@ -3912,7 +3912,7 @@
>        struct  adapter         *adapter = rxr->adapter;
>        struct em_buffer        *rxbuf;
>        bus_dma_segment_t       seg[1];
> -       int                     i, j, nsegs, error;
> +       int                     i, j, nsegs, error = -1;
> The error pointed out in this thread pops up in the next boot.
I put a call to kdb_enter() at the beginning of the function, helped
with some textdump I got all the backtrace [0] for all the time
em_setup_receive_ring() is called. All are exactly the same:

kdb_enter_why(0,c09f6511,f391aaa8,c09be1e2,c09f6511,...) at kdb_enter_why+0x3b
kdb_enter(c09f6511,0,3810,ffffffff,5dc,...) at kdb_enter+0x19
at em_setup_receive_ring+0x22
em_setup_receive_structures(c3c96000,f15f2000,38,8100,3,...) at
em_init_locked(c3c96000,0,c09f5de5,414,10000,...) at em_init_locked+0x2f2
em_ioctl(c3c7d000,80206934,c3ce9d00,c07b7a0b,c3f2a230,...) at em_ioctl+0x1c3
ifhwioctl(c3f2a230,f391ac34,c07b7a0b,c3f3e3d0,c08df1c0,...) at ifhwioctl+0x4b8
ifioctl(c3f3e3d0,80206934,c3ce9d00,c3f2a230,c3f2a230,...) at ifioctl+0x82
kern_ioctl(c3f2a230,3,80206934,c3ce9d00,c3ce9d00,...) at kern_ioctl+0xa8
ioctl(c3f2a230,f391acf8,c,c,f391ad2c,...) at ioctl+0xc5
syscall(f391ad38) at syscall+0x17d
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
--- syscall (54, FreeBSD ELF32, ioctl), eip = 0x4816ee23, esp =
0xbfbfe67c, ebp = 0xbfbfe698 ---

This fully explain why the main loop in em_setup_receive_ring() is
never entered, as we always verify `j == rxr->next_to_check' (provided
that mbuf have been refreshed if some packet were transfered) and
return the value on the stack. As of now, beside changing the
call-site of em_setup_receive_ring() to ensure it is never re-entered,
I'd guess that the patch I sent earlier today, is the only way to
ensure that no junk is returned.

I'd guess that the driver _is_ able to transmit, if the code was not
explicitly calling em_stop() upon em_setup_receive_structures()

 - Arnaud

[0]: I wish that would have been as easy as in Linux, where a WARN()
call do all the job automatically, but still, I should not hope for
that much unless I am the one implementing it ... yes, free whining,
it's 2a.m. ...

>  - Arnaud
>> The data your netstat -m shows suggests to me that what's happening
>> is somehow setup of the receive ring is running more than once maybe??
>> You asked at one point how this could go into STABLE, well, because
>> not only here at Intel, but at lots of external customers this code has been
>> used and tested thoroughly.
>> I am not calling into question your problem, but until I understand what it
>> is I cannot "fix" it :)
>> The thing I am guessing right now is the culprit is the setup code, the
>> reason
>> is that when I ported to the igb driver I found that it did not work on our
>> newer
>> hardware, and so I went back to the older version of setup for igb. Now,
>> even
>> though I have not seen hardware fail with em, maybe there is some.
>> To help me give me a complete pciconf -lv, and if its a namebrand system
>> tell me that, including all hardware in it.
>> If you like Olivier I can make a version of em for you that also reverts the
>> setup code the way I did for igb, see if that fixes it for you?
>> Thanks for your patience,
>> Jack
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