CVS removal from the base

Roman Kurakin rik at
Sun Dec 4 13:09:39 UTC 2011

Jase Thew wrote:
> On 03/12/2011 14:48, Roman Kurakin wrote:
>> Jase Thew wrote:
>>> On 03/12/2011 09:21, Roman Kurakin wrote:
> >>>> [SNIP]
>>>> You are right in general, except one small factor. We are talking 
>>>> about
>>>> bootstrap.
>>>> CVS is used by many as the one of the ways to get the sources to the
>>>> freshly
>>>> installed system to recompile to the last available source. It will
>>>> become inconvenient
>>>> to do it through the process of installing some ports for that.
>>>> Especially if corresponding
>>>> ports would require some other ports as dependences.
>>> As has been pointed out elsewhere in this thread, CVS doesn't cover
>>> csup, a utility in base which allows you to obtain the source
>>> trivially for the scenario you provide above. (Explicity ignoring
>>> cvsup which requires a port).
>> Does csup allows to checkout a random version from local cvs mirror?
>> So better to say csup(cvsup) does not cover cvs.
> Not quite sure what you are referring to by "random version". But csup 
> certainly allows you to obtain the source as described in your 
> scenario above ("last available source", even source at a particular 
> point in time).
By random version I mean any exact version I need, not only head of 
branch or tag.

> Also, when I said CVS doesn't cover csup, I meant any removal of CVS 
> from base would still leave csup available for obtaining source.
> Regards,
> Jase.
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