pf.conf + IPV6 to IPV4 port rdr
Dan The Man
dan at
Thu Dec 1 10:47:48 UTC 2011
pfctl -v -s nat
rdr inet6 proto tcp from any to 2001:49f0:4004::/48 port = 9191 ->
[ Evaluations: 512 Packets: 3 Bytes: 228 States: 1
[ Inserted: uid 0 pid 80940 State Creations: 2 ]
I can see here that after i tried on another host to telnet to
2001:49f0:4004::2 9191 , that a state was in fact created for the rdr,
but it doesn't appear to be actually forwarding:
My rule:
rdr inet6 proto tcp to 2001:49f0:4004::/48 port 9191 -> ::ffff:
Am I missing something here? I have checked on ipv6 forwarding and
redirects set to 1, net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 to allow the mapping...
I can even telnet to ::ffff: 9191 from any host yet it will
not forward the 2001:49f0:4004:: addresses, and yes inet6 is allowing the
port to pass, so this makes no sense to me....
Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
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Email: Dan at
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