nroff -mandoc | more no longer works

Steve Kargl sgk at
Sun Aug 14 21:26:57 UTC 2011

On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:56:16PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> The proper way to do this atm is 'man ./foo.1'. I had the same set of
> commands under the fingers as well, but doing it the new way has many
> benefits. Not the least of which is that you will see the page the same
> way man will render it when it's installed.

In ancient times, the UNIX philosphy was to have small 
programs that one could chain together via a pipe.  I've
had the following alias in my .cshrc for well over ar

alias   doc 'cat \!* | eqn | tbl | nroff -mdoc | more'

Now, when I'm working on a manpage in my local projects,
I get the wonderfully useful

doc mkpic.1

MKPIC(1)                FreeBSD General Commands Manual               MKPIC(1)

     ESC[1mmkpic ESC[22m-- construct a contour image in MIFF image format

     ESC[1mmkpic ESC[22m[ESC[1m-aBbcefilsvESC[22m] [ESC[1m-C ESC[4mESC[22mnumESC[24m] [ESC[1m-d ESC[4mESC[22mdenESC[24m] [ESC[1m-F ESC[4mESC[22m{v|h}ESC[24m] [
ESC[1m-G ESC[4mESC[22mCLxRLESC[24m] [ESC[1m-g ESC[4mESC[22mR,G,BESC[24m]
           [ESC[1m-L ESC[4mESC[22mlvalESC[24m] [ESC[1m-M ESC[4mESC[22mmaxESC[24m] [ESC[1m-m ESC[4mESC[22mminESC[24m] [ESC[1m-n ESC[4mESC[22mcolorsESC[24m] [ESC[1m-O ESC[4mESC[22mnameESC[24m] [ESC[1m-o ESC[4mESC[22mnameESC[24m]
           [ESC[1m-R ESC[4mESC[22mR,G,BESC[24m] [ESC[1m-r ESC[4mESC[22mCOLxROW
ESC[24m] [ESC[1m-S ESC[4mESC[22mscaleESC[24m] [ESC[1m-T ESC[4mESC[22mmapESC[24m] [ESC[1m-t ESC[4mESC[22mCOLxROW+COFF+ROFFESC[24m]

     The purpose of ESC[1mmkpic ESC[22mis to produce a pixelized contour of a 2D

nroff needs to be fixed.


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