DTrace bindings are missing in FreeBSD 9.0 - CURRENT for userland apps

Rui Paulo rpaulo at FreeBSD.org
Mon Oct 18 18:45:32 UTC 2010

On 12 Oct 2010, at 23:40, István wrote:

> Hey,
> I am not 100% sure this is the right list to approach with this problem but
> let's try this one.
> So I am trying to use dtrace on the previously mentioned system, I followed
> the usual kernel rebuild process using the following wiki:
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/DTrace
> Dtrace works fine and I am able to trace the kernel.[1]
> My problem is: I can't trace any user land application including PostgreSQL
> and Ruby.
> I added the following lines to the /etc/make.conf as it is written in the
> wiki:
> CFLAGS+=-fno-omit-frame-pointer
> I compiled both of the softwares and trying to trace them but there are no
> bindings in the dtrace -l ouput
> # dtrace -l | grep -i ruby
> i might have overlooked something important but not sure what.
> Any help is appreciated. Pls cc my email since i am not on this list.
> Thank you in advance.
> I.
> 1.
> [root at freebsd9 ~]# uname -a
> FreeBSD freebsd9 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0: Fri Oct  8 21:09:20 UTC
> 2010     root at freebsd9:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DTRACE  amd64
> [root at freebsd9 ~]# kldstat
> Id Refs Address            Size     Name
> 1   26 0xffffffff80100000 f49bb0   kernel
> 2    1 0xffffffff81212000 ad8      dtraceall.ko
> 3    1 0xffffffff81213000 4a59     profile.ko
> 4   11 0xffffffff81218000 3e2f     opensolaris.ko
> 5    3 0xffffffff8121c000 3db0     cyclic.ko
> 6    9 0xffffffff81220000 13af4b   dtrace.ko
> 7    1 0xffffffff8135b000 fce0     systrace.ko
> 8    1 0xffffffff8136b000 4128     sdt.ko
> 9    1 0xffffffff81370000 44b8     lockstat.ko
> 10    1 0xffffffff81375000 b94e     fasttrap.ko
> 11    1 0xffffffff81381000 61ab     fbt.ko
> 12    1 0xffffffff81388000 4a67     dtnfsclient.ko
> 13    1 0xffffffff8138d000 4118     dtmalloc.ko
> [root at freebsd9 ~]#
> [root at freebsd9 ~]# cat d.d
> vfs:namecache:enter:done
> {
>        @distribution = quantize(strlen((string)arg1));
> }
> [root at freebsd9 ~]# dtrace -s d.d
> dtrace: script 'd.d' matched 1 probe
> ^C
>           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
>               2 |                                         0
>               4 |@@@@@@@                                  1
>               8 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        5
>              16 |                                         0

The Ruby port doesn't have DTrace support, but the PostgreSQL port has a DTrace option (only the latest postgresql port).

Rui Paulo

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