Increasing MAXPHYS

Julian Elischer julian at
Sun Mar 21 15:51:23 UTC 2010

Andriy Gapon wrote:
> on 21/03/2010 16:05 Alexander Motin said the following:
>> Ivan Voras wrote:
>>> Hmm, it looks like it could be easy to spawn more g_* threads (and,
>>> barring specific class behaviour, it has a fair chance of working out of
>>> the box) but the incoming queue will need to also be broken up for
>>> greater effect.
>> According to "notes", looks there is a good chance to obtain races, as
>> some places expect only one up and one down thread.
> I haven't given any deep thought to this issue, but I remember us discussing
> them over beer :-)
> I think one idea was making sure (somehow) that requests traveling over the same
> edge of a geom graph (in the same direction) do it using the same queue/thread.
> Another idea was to bring some netgraph-like optimization where some (carefully
> chosen) geom vertices pass requests by a direct call instead of requeuing.

yeah, like the 1:1 single provider case. (which we an most of our 
custommers mostly use on our cards). i.e. no slicing or dicing, and 
just the raw flash card presented as /dev/fio0

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