named, VARMFS=yes and FILESDIR

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon Nov 30 03:54:18 UTC 2009

Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
> Hello,
> while building an embedded slave DNS I recognized that running named out
> of the box with VARMFS enabled would fail.
> Now I could easily fix it for my device only, but I think it's better to
> solve it upstream.
> VARMFS=Yes is a standard option, likewise named_enable.

There are lots of standard options that are not compatible with each

> My idea is to create a namedb directory in /usr/share (like there's one
> for sendmail) with duplicate entries of src/etc/namedb

Why not just set named_chrootdir to /usr/share/namedb ?  It's not 100%
clear to me what you're trying to accomplish. Can you please go into a
little more detail about your goals, rather than potential solutions?

> P.S.: named_conf definitions in rc.conf get lost. 

Yes, that's something that needs improvement. I have it on the list
but since it's not common for people to alter the path to the conf
file, and since in the past in order to do so you've had to add -c to
named_flags anyway, I don't regard it as urgent.



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