krad kraduk at
Wed Nov 18 10:08:50 UTC 2009

2009/11/17 Aristedes Maniatis <ari at>

> On 17/11/09 9:14 PM, Ivan Voras wrote:
>> Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
>>> Is it possible that this flag be set to YES in the FreeBSD 8.0 branch
>>> before final release?
>> Certainly not. The release is around the corner.
> In that case, there are some other options:
> 1. Build the binaries that freebsd-update uses with this flag set. That
> isn't the same thing as changing the flag in the ISOs of the official
> FreeBSD 8.0 release.
> 2. Build logic into freebsd-update which detects that the user has
> LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT in src.conf, or else that it is trying to replace a
> working /boot/loader with a 'defective' version without ZFS capability.  I
> had previously thought freebsd-update took hashes of all system files so it
> knew which ones had changed and what to warn the user about, but I must have
> misunderstood that.
> 3. Deprecate freebsd-update as the recommended way to upgrade FreeBSD
> systems and put source updates back to the top recommended choices. I've
> noticed that all recent release notices recommend freebsd-update.
> Possibly freebsd-update should be maintained as part of the release process
> and not by someone at arm's length to the re team. In recent times it has
> broken rebooting after an update twice: once because of the above issue, and
> earlier when updating from 7.2 to 8.0-beta it was impossible to install a
> new kernel, reboot and then install world. This wasn't a freebsd-update
> specific issue (there is an incompatibility between new ZFS kernel modules
> and old userland tools), but it will bite everyone using freebsd-update and
> ZFS.
> I suggest there will be a fair few unhappy people when 8.0 is released and
> people using ZFS for system files upgrade from 7.x. Then when 8.1 whips
> around and people who followed instructions to boot from ZFS without a UFS
> partition, will suffer a second round of pain.
> Ari Maniatis
> --
> -------------------------->
> ish
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WHy not just build from source?

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