8.0RC2 amd64 - kernel panic running make buildworld

S.N.Grigoriev serguey-grigoriev at yandex.ru
Tue Nov 10 09:42:03 UTC 2009

07.11.09, 13:32, "Alexandre \"Sunny\" Kovalenko" <gaijin.k at gmail.com>

> Sergey, I think it would be best if you follow 
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug.html#KERNELDEBUG-OBTAIN
> and the do an ultimate test:
>   * quiesce your system
>   * switch to the console
>   * sync (few times, if you are really old school ;)
>   * sysctl debug.kdb.panic=1 (this would *panic* the system and, given
> everything is set-up properly, produce the crash dump)
> if you do not have debug.kdb.panic sysctl, please, add option KDB to
> your kernel configuration.
> If you get crash dump from the kernel-induced panic and your system
> keeps rebooting without a trace, I would suspect some hardware testing
> might be in order.


I followed your tips. The kernel configuration now contains options DDB
and KDB. The sysctl variable 'debug.debugger_on_panic' is set to '1'.
After the 'sysctl debug.kdb.panic=1'  command the debugger prompt
To have a crash dump I should type 'panic' on the debugger prompt.
If I type 'reboot' instead, there are no crash dumps. Is that behaviour
Another question: must all panics go to the bebugger prompt?
I still have neither crash dumps nor debugger prompt during
world/kernel compilations. Just reboots.


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