signifanctly slowdown of FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT/amd64

Attilio Rao attilio at
Sat May 30 16:44:14 UTC 2009

2009/5/30 O. Hartmann <ohartman at>:
> Attilio Rao wrote:
>> 2009/5/30 O. Hartmann <ohartman at>:
>>> Hello.
>>> I realized a significant slowdown of FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT/amd64 on every
>>> box I run. I have the most recent FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT/amd64 with custom
>>> kernel and switched off every debugging. I see a drastic slowdown
>>> whenever heavy I/O on UFS2 and ZFS partitions is performed and whenever
>>> some compilation is done (compiling world and kernel). This is horrible
>>> on a single core Athlon64 CPU with 2GB RAM as well as on a 4 core Q6600
>>> with 8GB and a server with 2 x 4-cores and 16GB RAM.
>>> I can not say clearly whether I/O is the bottleneck. Maybe something
>>> with the memory subsystem, when it comes to compiler runs, when no disk
>>> I/O is done but the box is still horrible slow. This behaviour occured
>>> several weeks ago, not being able to specify it more precisely.
>>> AQre there any issues at the moment?
>> Your kernel is compiled from which date?
>> Thanks,
>> Attilio
> Most recent, say: yesterday! As well as world.

Can you try to revert only r193011 and see if something changes?


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