ZFS data error without reasons

Michael David Crawford mdc at prgmr.com
Sun Mar 15 10:11:42 PDT 2009

kevin wrote:
> Will any changes cause zfs data error?I find my disk data error without 
> any reasons(shutdown or reboot  normally).disk was bought 
> yesterday.

If it's really a brand-new disk, I suggest running the manufacturer's 
disk testing utility to see if the drive could actually be defective.

Don't just depend on Open Source tools - the proprietary utilities can 
often access proprietary, undocumented drive firmware features that are 
put there specifically for diagnostic purposes, and so do a better job 
of testing the drive than any Open Source tool could.

The problem might just be some bad sectors on your media.  If that's the 
case, the diagnostic utility will remap the bad sectors.  If the utility 
does report bad sector remapping, do a full scan again, and keep 
repeating until no more bad sectors are found.

If you scan more than a couple times and bad sectors are still turning 
up, your drive is probably beyond repair, and should be RMAed.

All the drive manufacturers provide these utilities; go to the 
manufacturer's website and look either in the Support link, or the 
Drivers and Downloads link.

Hope That Helps,

Michael David Crawford
mdc at prgmr.com

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