RFC: localized libc messages

Rene Ladan rene at freebsd.org
Sun Mar 8 10:07:17 PDT 2009

Gábor Kövesdán schreef:
> Hello all,
> There has been NLS support in our libc implementation for a long time, 
> but it has been disabled because of some initial problems with NLS. (I 
> don't know the exact explanation, I've just looked up the mail 
> archives.) Now, I've made a patch to re-enable it and I've tested this 
> stuff. It seems to be working without any problems on 7.X. I haven't had 
> any opportunity to try it out on -CURRENT, but I've made available the 
> patch for 8-CURRENT. It turns NLS on and adds some new catalog files.

I've put a slightly different patch (some improvements to the Dutch
translation) at http://people.freebsd.org/~rene/patches/nls-r189223.diff

It works fine on CURRENT after adding the appropriate stuff to ~/.login_conf.

The only problem is that during buildworld, the temporary directories for
storing the translations are not created.  I had to create them manually,
and continue the build with the NO_CLEAN flag (to prevent them getting
deleted again).


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