Default FS Layout Too Small?

Ruben de Groot mail25 at
Mon Mar 2 04:29:17 PST 2009

On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 06:54:59PM +0100, David Lindstr??m typed:
> Hi everyone, I'm new to this list, and fairly new to FreeBSD. I'm a CS 
> student currently using FreeBSD for fun and learning, but I'm hoping to one 
> day make myself useful to the community, if nothing else as a tester.


> >From my limited experience, I think you should consider an update to the 
> auto defaults, if nothing else to allow it to use more than one disk. Also, 

This is not trivial. Could you come up with an algorithm that gives
reasonable defaults for all possible instances of "more than one disk"?
Should the installer by default auto partition an external USB drive?

> wouldn't it be a good idea to create a /home by default, or is there some 
> reason I can't think of right now why you want it in the /usr filesystem?

Why would you want a seperate /home partition on e.g. a database server?


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