RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Timed out / receiving NFS error when trying to mount NFS file system after make world

Rick Macklem rmacklem at uoguelph.ca
Wed Jun 17 15:33:35 UTC 2009

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Martin wrote:

[assorted bits deleted for brevity]
>> If you could post to -current again with the last version that worked
>> vs doesn't work now, hopefully someone will spot the problem, rick
> I've looked up the date that is encoded in my kernel.old build.
> FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT #0: Fri May 15 10:57:37 CEST 2009
> I'm sure it worked at this point. Also nfs filesystems that have
> been already mounted survived the change, but when I started to
> remount them, the problems have begun to appear, so I suppose that nfsd
> itself is functioning well, but mountd or rpcbind are somehow affected.
Yep, mountd only gets involved at mount time. (It does suggest that the
/etc/exports stuff is ok, since mountd does push that down into the
kernel and it gets used by nfsd.)

> The version I'm using now, that shows the issue, is of Jun 14 19:50
> CET.
> Fortunatelly there are not many changes in libc/rpc in this
> time interval.
One that might be worth trying is a pre-r192913 svc_dg.c. I'll email
you a copy of that, in case you don't have an easy way to get one.

ps: This is related to Martin's problem posted recently, as follows:
# ls -l /lib/libc.so*
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1234432 Jun 15 01:04 /lib/libc.so.7
# ls -l /boot/kernel/kernel
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  12010608 Jun 15 01:38 /boot/kernel/kernel

Further info to diagnose the problem:

I've got 3 NICs on 35, 135 and 235 (different subnets).
Netmasks are:
- xx.xx.xx.35/25
- xx.xx.xx.135/26
- xx.xx.xx.235/26

Client is xx.xx.xx.150/26. But you can try it with a single server.
A mount on won't work either.

Here relevant part of rc.conf:
nfs_server_flags="-t -n 4 -h xx.xx.xx.35 -h xx.xx.xx.135"
mountd_flags="-l -r -h xx.xx.xx.35 -h xx.xx.xx.135"

/usr/export/src -maproot=root -ro -network xx.xx.xx.128 -mask

And here what I changed (rpcbind_flags) and the effects.
Notice, I executed rpcinfo each time before restarting nfsd and mountd.
Maybe I don't understand the rpcinfo output, because it differs from sockstat.


rpcbind_flags="-h xx.xx.xx.35 -h xx.xx.xx.135"

# rpcinfo
    program version netid     address                service    owner
     100000    4    tcp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    tcp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    udp       xx.xx.xx.35.0.111    rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser

# sockstat | grep rpcbind
root     rpcbind    28763 4  udp6   *:*                   *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 5  stream /var/run/rpcbind.sock
root     rpcbind    28763 6  udp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 7  udp6   *:1008                *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 8  tcp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 9  udp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 10 udp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 11 udp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 12 udp4   *:842                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 13 tcp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 14 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28763 15 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*

client# mount_nfs -o ro,tcp,intr,soft,bg,nfsv3 xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src /usr/src
[tcp] xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
mount_nfs: Cannot immediately mount xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src, backgrounding


rpcbind_flags="-h xx.xx.xx.135 -h xx.xx.xx.35"

# rpcinfo
    program version netid     address                service    owner
     100000    4    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser

# sockstat | grep rpcbind
root     rpcbind    28591 4  udp6   *:*                   *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 5  stream /var/run/rpcbind.sock
root     rpcbind    28591 6  udp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 7  udp6   *:825                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 8  tcp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 9  udp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 10 udp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 11 udp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 12 udp4   *:1009                *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 13 tcp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 14 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*
root     rpcbind    28591 15 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*

client# mount_nfs -o ro,tcp,intr,soft,bg,nfsv3 xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src /usr/src
[tcp] xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
mount_nfs: Cannot immediately mount xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src, backgrounding


rpcbind_flags="-h xx.xx.xx.135 -h xx.xx.xx.35 -h xx.xx.xx.235"

# rpcinfo
    program version netid     address                service    owner
     100000    4    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    tcp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    udp       xx.xx.xx.135.0.111   rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp6      ::1.0.111              rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser

# sockstat |grep rpcbind
root     rpcbind    28564 4  udp6   *:*                   *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 5  stream /var/run/rpcbind.sock
root     rpcbind    28564 6  udp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 7  udp6   *:892                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 8  tcp6   ::1:111               *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 9  udp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 10 udp4   xx.xx.xx.235:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 11 udp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 12 udp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 13 udp4   *:630                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 14 tcp4         *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 15 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.235:111    *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 16 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.35:111     *:*
root     rpcbind    28564 17 tcp4   xx.xx.xx.135:111    *:*

client# mount_nfs -o ro,tcp,intr,soft,bg,nfsv3 xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src /usr/src
[tcp] xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
mount_nfs: Cannot immediately mount xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src, backgrounding



# rpcinfo

    program version netid     address                service    owner
     100000    4    tcp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    tcp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    udp          rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    tcp6      ::.0.111               rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    tcp6      ::.0.111               rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    udp6      ::.0.111               rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    udp6      ::.0.111               rpcbind    superuser
     100000    4    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    3    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser
     100000    2    local     /var/run/rpcbind.sock  rpcbind    superuser

# sockstat | grep rpcbind
root     rpcbind    28735 4  udp6   *:*                   *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 5  stream /var/run/rpcbind.sock
root     rpcbind    28735 6  udp6   *:111                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 7  udp6   *:718                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 8  tcp6   *:111                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 9  udp4   *:111                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 10 udp4   *:870                 *:*
root     rpcbind    28735 11 tcp4   *:111                 *:*

client# mount_nfs -o ro,tcp,intr,soft,bg,nfsv3 xx.xx.xx.35:/usr/export/src /usr/src
client# umount /usr/src
umount: xx.xx.xx.35: RPCMNT_UMOUNT: RPC: Timed out


Hmm... the mount has been successful, but I wonder why umount still gets a time out...
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