[Lcdproc] LCDProc CVS + PicoLCD on FreeBSD

Andre Guibert de Bruet andy at siliconlandmark.com
Mon Jan 19 19:59:43 PST 2009

On Jan 16, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> In message <F2B6C026-25FB-4789-A2C1- 
> A42CF4263B9E at siliconlandmark.com>, Andre Guibert de Bruet writes:
>>>>> ...but... they *are* HID devices.  Why is this "unfortunate"?
>>> It's unfortunate, because they are HID devices only because that
>>> is what microchip.com supplies as a USB programming example.
>>> The actual protocol they talk has nothing to do with the HID
>>> specification.
>> PHK - I see that you committed the quirk for the 2X20. Would you mind
>> committing the patch attached to PR usb/128803? Do you want me to
>> produce the bits required for usb2 as well?
> USB2 patches should go to HPS@ still I think ?

I have attached the 4x20 quirk patch for hpsusb.

Thanks for all of your hard work!


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Url : http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/attachments/20090120/adebd45b/picolcd.usb2.quirk.obj
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