About bwi

Alex Keda admin at lissyara.su
Thu Feb 26 14:45:28 PST 2009

Sam Leffler пишет:
> Alex Keda wrote:
>> Kip Macy пишет:
>>> Someone needs to be there to maintain it. To the best of my knowledge
>>> no one appropriate has stepped forward.
>> And what exactly should be supported?
>> He finished - nothing more to do.
>> no way to develop a driver.
>> the new cards have to write a new driver.
> The driver has many known issues and limitations. Without someone 
> willing to respond to user questions, update the code and test, etc. 
> committing the driver ends up causing more frustration and ill-will 
> than leaving it outside the tree. This is a lesson we've learned many 
> times--people encounter a broken driver and draw incorrect assumptions 
> about the system as a whole. Unfortunately noone has stepped up to own 
> the driver; trust me I've asked many times for someone.
All who test it - do it with lastest BroadCom cards.
It driver for *OLD* cards. Need delete last MAC revision, I post patch 
in forum.

|-/* MAC */static const uint8_t bwi_sup_macrev[] = { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 };
+/* MAC */static const uint8_t bwi_sup_macrev[] = { 2, 4, 5 };|

For revision > |5| - need another driver!

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