8.0-BETA3 Available

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Mon Aug 24 19:33:20 UTC 2009

The third of the BETA builds for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now
available.  All major work related to new features in 8.0 has been
completed and we are shifting into "bugfix only" mode for the balance of
the release cycle.  Debugging features (e.g. WITNESS) are still enabled
but will be removed from stable/8 between now and RC1 so performance is
still impacted a bit by that.  Also note that, as mentioned previously
on the mailing lists, we did do a shared library version bump after
BETA2 was announced (bump was done July 19th with svn commit r195767) so
if you update a system that was last rebuilt earlier than that it would
be a good idea to rebuild all user-level applications including the

The current release target date is the 3rd week of September.  We expect
to be doing two Release Candidate builds (RC's), RC1 builds scheduled
for next weekend.  As you probably know our schedules often slip but
that's the current target.  More information about the current state of
the release is available here:


If you notice problems you can report them through the normal Gnats PR
system or on the freebsd-current mailing list.  I do cross-post
announcements to freebsd-stable because this particular release is
"about to become a stable branch" but when it comes to watching for
issues related to the release most of the developers pay more attention
to the freebsd-current list.

ISO images for all supported architectures are available on the FTP
sites, (sparc64 was uploaded a short time ago and may not be available
on some sites yet) and a "memory stick" image is available for
amd64/i386 architectures.  For amd64/i386 architectures the cdrom and
memstick images include the documentation packages this time but no
other packages.  The DVD image includes a first rough pass at what
packages will be available but the list will certainly change between
now and release.  None of the other images include packages.

If you are using csup/cvsup methods to update an older system the branch
tag to use is now RELENG_8.  If you have not noticed it before now you
may want to check out the -F option for mergemaster(8).  We still have
the "issue" of all the cvs ID's being changed as part of creating a new
branch due to the svn to cvs export mechanism in place but mergemaster's
-F option can help reduce the headache that causes.

The freebsd-update(8) utility supports binary upgrades of i386 and amd64
systems running earlier FreeBSD releases. Systems running 7.0-RELEASE,
7.1-RELEASE, 7.2-RELEASE, 8.0-BETA1, or 8.0-BETA2 can upgrade as follows:
# freebsd-update upgrade -r 8.0-BETA3
During this process, FreeBSD Update may ask the user to help by merging some
configuration files or by confirming that the automatically performed merging
was done correctly.
# freebsd-update install
The system must be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before continuing.
# shutdown -r now
After rebooting, freebsd-update needs to be run again to install the new
userland components:

# freebsd-update install
At this point, users of systems being upgraded from FreeBSD 7.x will be
prompted by freebsd-update to rebuild all third-party applications (e.g.,
ports installed from the ports tree) due to updates in system libraries.  See
for mode details.  After updating installed third-party applications (and
again, only if freebsd-update printed a message indicating that this was
necessary), run freebsd-update again so that it can delete the old (no longer
used) system libraries:
# freebsd-update install
Finally, reboot into 8.0-BETA3:
# shutdown -r now

MD5/SHA256 checksums for the image files:

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 043333afc4d7c4181b6920a2d2f846e2
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-disc1.iso) = 638ccbd57fae57d040c7a4dc743bdf06
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-dvd1.iso) = c54582b22255a3e6b02cbea08410923b
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-livefs.iso) = f2e7eb9e4e9f5a3a7a30e44ba5690f1c
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-memstick.img) = 0c68de004f6acf57f2af837f57fc5e22

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-i386-bootonly.iso) = 20cbf19ec1ccce13f12652eff1037d63
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-i386-disc1.iso) = c52769420ce90c801a43384a00399eaf
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-i386-dvd1.iso) = dc20720bc59612615579fd2e3b4cba3a
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-i386-livefs.iso) = 711f1ed364ab5b776c1e079272e7e19a
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-i386-memstick.img) = a8730c7307e5021b1d6ad277591d50f6

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-bootonly.iso) = 06e3d855c9d636bb773e57c3fbbf4e28
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc1.iso) = 3852a7ed62b3f9e1ad7c0a8c8dc9df0a
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc2.iso) = c457544b250630d984bbb2b4da45866a
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc3.iso) = 7ed9a1287a1339b81b70cc5c9b797deb
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-dvd1.iso) = 7ab723a4e305e793742939f99192209a
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-livefs.iso) = 12dc19c7c344618dedce1bb99ffba4a2

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-bootonly.iso) = 6078e11ef5b21a9ed5504d7ccc591567
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-disc1.iso) = 55e840ba7cbf0447ae7a4e39029f564e
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-livefs.iso) = d1c204282bd847a5f194fb9b70611bde

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-bootonly.iso) = 370566a1be53ec1098e246dd1a580d37
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc1.iso) = 98a6b6ecfdad5c4b95c3c97d5a775d32
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc2.iso) = 5ae8dd94f19a70d3c14c716cc2088ec6
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc3.iso) = d9d4e3ae3b9e5b76ecbbe01e730056cd

MD5 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-bootonly.iso) = 70578049f21dfc3ab5728c2ad74ecce7
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-disc1.iso) = 0eb834690e14254b432d0e4bc317b12e
MD5 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-dvd1.iso) = 49c468755c65c08bb08a7b112152dead

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 931982b67cfdb703398eaf4e1578b04be6d92f7fe10b39044f96396ac43f30b3
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-disc1.iso) = 001fb1b22db7fbfe0b72cf1386ad7216e4116d05457d22a9177f52f9aaebff66
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-dvd1.iso) = cb254b571c8b08de3d41b84bab4e3f5bce162e315441701951d3bc8e5b9241d5
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-livefs.iso) = edb7e235d6da0493af7e292232c9f0b9034bb6bf670cbedee2f1d357de1f5dae
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-amd64-memstick.img) = f353979947b6c7ee792277daa64702f861979f0b04b6da9f50afe3529d519b8b

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-i386-bootonly.iso) = 15a074d80e3b5980febb85c920d51d74d8065cc6d005a4ec0c28d533a3533729
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-i386-disc1.iso) = 131b08e65235295dc263e31d51d4ab9735a04497a99baa3ac3d1aca6e9053e46
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-i386-dvd1.iso) = a1204d62b3569d84345ed3bc6fe2b24edb76df9aad550ea959d61e996710660e
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-i386-livefs.iso) = e5a73bf127ff0c5187270807e822c65a13975ffffe6d622f2e61395176475378
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-i386-memstick.img) = d87230eb92064088265f5f08fa927a11d8158bd930a36638c11240bf3521539f

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-bootonly.iso) = 5c7f22175bbdf21cb6116c7015e6fe49884d482dc09cee7fe3ad44f71651e6e6
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc1.iso) = bf0f2bc9fe9d2f126ed54644a61ff689bdb0f9e5565db940ef53d5656ed59fc3
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc2.iso) = 4e607da42eda1dac8c52039b37c04e1ed15820a97f7b3ffe9937956dd470ffa1
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-disc3.iso) = a681b1dfd030604f40621dfddc1557a6bedc6b7d3ded85609f7ab41a574be70b
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-dvd1.iso) = 83d52c72d9f783cd0e1552bd9c3b9b84151fb0231e34a4f203694c8770258acf
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-ia64-livefs.iso) = c0bd93c28ba890d8d3160dabfaa24fd5dfe647f76ed3e4aafe4ea7f72bfe88dc

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-bootonly.iso) = cd6e0851931b39249bf8e472f5ec6734bb2d0a3f76d90e4fc534201bb29ecb79
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-disc1.iso) = 0e61042a28c02ce391956073fab5230b1ec9e357e1ad374d068bd9a4eedc8985
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-pc98-livefs.iso) = ba416b965c118c4e4add31ab83e12b65fa66427b0e2455b02e57d7582fd43616

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-bootonly.iso) = aed0212db2c5313345e843c258855c5a2bb1737b6c5a676b08cb993c6b125651
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc1.iso) = 12e774f12892f17c6a00d58694de71e462c73db22682d5866dac2b1972e6877c
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc2.iso) = 86bf55b2cf3362e0c084e6f35fff18f43c19f64cf2680a4a98504e0b2e44853a
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-powerpc-disc3.iso) = 3157decf4700238719a963f6299c7264da223a845caef84b7d74e1f00f457e09

SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-bootonly.iso) = 2f65aa2e0b61079dd806d997f25b3eb651e400d6797173b28b5e5ccec77f72fc
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-disc1.iso) = 2d793f0ae01e54448f8111caefbb2baef32ac7ce4e8aee69aac9ed00f00aab9a
SHA256 (8.0-BETA3-sparc64-dvd1.iso) = 1ae3a6b594867e1435f7d4e21893df75bb33ef5559979532698b01a79730edf3

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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