Cluster Filesystem on FreeBSD

Doug Poland doug at
Mon Mar 1 19:12:10 UTC 2010

On Mon, March 1, 2010 12:11, Leinier Cruz Salfran wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Erik Scholtz, ArgonSoft GmbH
> <escholtz at> wrote:
>> I did some research the last two weeks on how to build a cluster
>> filesystem on FreeBSD.
>> My solution at the moment is, to rsync all filesystems once a
>> minute, which is rather to rare. So I tried to get a hook with
>> KQueue to rsync the filesystems on data-change. Unfortunatly I could
>> not find a working solution (had a try with IO::KQueue using perl).
> i use rsync to make partial data backup .. ie: /etc, /usr/local/etc,
> /usr/home, /var/logs ...
>> How do you guys solve this problem (of a shared filesystem with
>> rw-option)?
>> Any hints are welcome, since I'm getting very frustrated at the
>> moment.
> there is a project named 'hast'[1] for a clustered filesystem .. it's
> being developed by pawel .. the project has some completed milestones,
> so you can get it from fbsd src svn tree .. hast can do clustered
> filesystem right now but it's not complete, so there is no stable yet
> other way is gmirror[2] + ggated .. with that you can get a raid1 over
> net solution .. but i think it's not prepared to be used as
> master-master soluction
Neither hast nor gmirror+ggatd are cluster filesystems, in that only
one "side" of the storage is available for writes at a point in time. 
Filesystems like OCFS2 and GFS allow multiple, simultaneous read-write
access to block devices.

Given there is not true cluster filesystem available for FreeBSD at
this time, I wonder aloud why so many people are so quick to dismiss
NFS?  NFS provides "most" of features of a cluster filesystem today.
If one were to choose NFS for shared storage, one could use tools
available today to make NFS highly available (hast, gmirror+ggated).


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