HA cluster

Jordi Prats jprats at cesca.es
Thu Nov 1 12:54:22 PDT 2007

Thanks Peter,
I suppose I'll have to do some more work than just change the OS ;)


Peter Ross wrote:
> Hi Jordi,
> On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Jordi Prats wrote:
>> Currently I have two (redundant) load balancers with LVS,
> I checked the Website.. the most of them are on application level so they 
> should be available under FreeBSD as well.
> E.g. I have a Red Hat szenario with Apache as the loadbalancer and 
> clustered tomcat 6.0 behind. A developer has the same setup at a FreebSD-7 
> box and tests it there.
>> and several NFS,
> I believe the Red Had Cluster uses GFS to have concurrent r/w access to 
> the SAN?
> I try to imagine to use FreeBSD stuff as gmirror, ZFS, iscsi, CARP etc... 
> it all does not sum up to something similiar - but it may be my lack of 
> imagination only.
> NFSv4 is designed to support for replication and migration but I have no 
> idea about the FreeBSD implementation status. I just find this old status 
> report: 
> http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2006-01-2006-03.html#FreeBSD-NFS-Status-Report
> "FreeBSD NFSv4 server is pretty stable now and available via anonymous 
> ftp. NFSv4.1 features are not a part of it yet and are not likely to 
> happen until at least the end of 2006. Contact 
> rick at snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca for details."
> The sources for current only contains code for a NFSv4 client.
> To be fair I do not know about the Linux implematation either. A document 
> last updated in March 
> (http://wiki.linux-nfs.org/wiki/index.php/Server_state) predicts this 
> implemented in 2.6.19. We have 2.6.23 by now but I cannot find it in the 
> kernel changelogs..
>> MySQL and PostgreSQL servers using RedHat cluster suite.
> As already pointed out there are replication solutions for postgresql and 
> MySQL - they should work under FreeBSD in the same way as for Linux.
> Regards
> Peter

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