FreeBSD Clustering wishlist - Was: Introduction
& RE: Clustering with Freebsd
yfyoufeng at
Sun May 15 19:41:47 PDT 2005
在 2005-05-15日的 21:22 -0500,Eric Anderson写道:
> yf-263 wrote:
> > 在 2005-05-15日的 13:55 -0500,Eric Anderson写道:
> >
> >>Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> >>
> >>>yf-263 wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>在 2005-05-11三的 22:45 -0500,Eric Anderson写道:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Ok - I'm changing the subject here in an attempt to gather information.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Here's my wishlist:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>As for your wishlists, how about the MogileFS of
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>And what do you think about our GoogleFS like && MogileFS features
> >>>>Clustre FS ?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>"Yes, this means your application has to specifically use a MogileFS
> >>>client library to store and retrieve files."
> >>>
> >>>I don't call that a filesystem, really. Stuff like this has its uses,
> >>>but for general use, you need something that's entirely transparent to
> >>>the app.
> >>
> >>
> >>I agree. It has to look and feel like an OS to my apps. I need to NFS
> >>share it to systems so they can access it as NFS clients. Besides,
> >
> >
> > For our FS in the paper now only ;), you need no NFS. As two years
> > before, I have implemented a NFS like server in userspace, and a NFS
> > like client (kernel module) for Linux, AIX, and Solaris, which has been
> > saled to a big user two years ago. I can bring it onto various platform,
> > so no NFS is need;)
> Are you the one that has written the paper, and developed the code? It
> appears as a regular filesystem to apps?
Yes, I have written the paper, and have developed the code. And it now
appears as a storage library to apps, since now we only target to Email
> >>MogileFS doesn't even sound like a filesystem:
> >
> >
> > Maybe I should add the missing one, we want to supply the MogileFS
> > features in our FS.
> >> From the website:
> >>================
> >>MogileFS is not:
> >>
> >> * POSIX Compliant -- you don't run regular Unix applications or
> >>databases against MogileFS. It's meant for archiving write-once files
> >>and doing only sequential reads. (though you can modify a file by way of
> >>overwriting it with a new version)
> >>================
> >>
> >>As far as your clustre fs goes, I need to see more info. You mentioned
> >>it's wonderful features to me, but I'd like to see a website to read
> >
> >
> > We are consideration and prepare for that. And now we are gathering and
> > proof our concepts.
> >
> > Last quarter we got some initial idea about it, and this quarter we will
> > put our first module within that onto our product environment to proof
> > its right or not. If we succeed, I will try to open it to get a
> > worldwide improvement :)
> What company/organization do you work for?
I just joint (Chinese biggest ICP) the end of
last year for this project, and the final target is to try to use like cluster to control and reduce the storage cost as the
Mail, VOD, and P2P fileshare eat tooooooo much disk space.
> Eric
yf-263 <yfyoufeng at>
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