FreeBSD on AWS Graviton (t4g)

Colin Percival cperciva at
Fri Jan 1 21:01:16 UTC 2021

On 1/1/21 12:47 PM, Rafal Lukawiecki wrote:
>> On 1 Jan 2021, at 20:29, Colin Percival <cperciva at
>> <mailto:cperciva at>> wrote:
>> On 1/1/21 4:33 AM, Rafal Lukawiecki wrote:
>>> Colin, would I be able to build an updated RELEASE in the AMI maker before
>>> I call mkami? In the days of 11.1 I had to recompile the kernel to use your
>>> patch (many thanks!) and so I did something like this:
>>> $ svnlite --non-interactive --trust-server-cert-failures=unknown-ca co
>>> <> /usr/src/
>>> $ make DESTDIR=/mnt kernel -j16
> Thanks. I suppose I should have asked a different question, sorry for not
> being clearer. What is the best way, in your opinion, to create a
> security-patched ARM AMI? Would this approach do it? I have never tried
> patching FreeBSD from source since I have always relied on freebsd-update, but
> since that is not an option on arm64 (yet) I would be grateful for your pointers.

Yes, if you want to build an AMI which is FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE + security /
errata patches, you can launch the AMI Builder, then

# svnlite co /usr/src/
# make -C /usr/src DESTDIR=/mnt \
    buildworld buildkernel installkernel installworld

It's just possible that the memory disk won't have enough space, in which
case you would need to attach another EBS volume and mount it on /usr/obj,
but if you've updated FreeBSD systems before you're familiar with such

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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