FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE ZFS AMIs Now Available

Colin Percival cperciva at
Sat Feb 16 10:12:25 UTC 2019

Hash: SHA1

Hi EC2 users,

FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE is now available as AMIs with ZFS root disks in all 16
publicly available EC2 regions:

eu-north-1 region: ami-08b2b0fa1cc85edfe
ap-south-1 region: ami-07764d99979e5ec91
eu-west-3 region: ami-0a836f46bdc4c3518
eu-west-2 region: ami-0e7bce0a20fe3902b
eu-west-1 region: ami-03b5ae82b793bad52
ap-northeast-2 region: ami-069724fe041920a0b
ap-northeast-1 region: ami-09d8e65f85aa017d8
sa-east-1 region: ami-0b28c0109e2f0f44a
ca-central-1 region: ami-0a3fee7dd1f79aaa4
ap-southeast-1 region: ami-043a7940712d24f8d
ap-southeast-2 region: ami-0d9cf4953f3b62f2f
eu-central-1 region: ami-030f799e0a791d922
us-east-1 region: ami-0295763c489ea2d6f
us-east-2 region: ami-054939ebd299da308
us-west-1 region: ami-03f74ad827943414e
us-west-2 region: ami-07489cd9448bfa3d0

The ZFS configuration (zpool named "zroot", mount point on /, /tmp,
/usr/{home,ports,src}, /var/{audit,crash,log,mail,tmp}) should match what
you get by installing FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE from the published install media
and selecting the defaults for a ZFS install.  Other system configuration
matches the FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE AMIs published by the release engineering

I had to make one substantive change to 12.0-RELEASE, namely merging r343918
(which teaches /etc/rc.d/growfs how to grow ZFS disks, matching the behaviour
of the UFS AMIs in supporting larger-than-default root disks); I've MFCed
this to stable/12 so it will be present in 12.1 and later releases.

If you find these AMIs useful, please let me know, and consider donating to
support my work on FreeBSD/EC2 (  If
there's enough interest I'll work with the release engineering team to add
ZFS AMIs to what they publish.

- -- 
Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid


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