Virtual Reality - 3D Architectural Visualization - Mayo Infografía

Mayo Infografía contacto at
Thu Jul 14 13:42:27 UTC 2016


We are a small architectural visualization studio from Madrid, Spain,
specialized in 3D computer graphics (3D modeling and rendering),VR/AR
application development and design.

We would like to introduce to you our newest Virtual Reality service
aimed at real estate agents, architects, engineers and product
designers ready to improve their business activity and add value
through innovation and new technologies.

Please feel free to check out our new Virtual Reality visualization
project for detached house in Bolzano, Italy. Sample below:

We are looking for business cooperation with foreign companies from all
over the world and especially strengthening our relations with leading
companies in your country.

 For more information about our services, view more samples of our
latest work and contact details please visit our website at: 

To request a quote, pricing, offers and product information, please
free to keep in touch with us by sending us an email with your enquiry
to: contacto at mayoinfografí

If you'd rather not receive emails from us, we understand. Just click
here to unsubscribe.

Thank you in advance for your time and interest.


  Yolanda Muñoz Sales Department m: yolanda at t:
(+34) 691843507


 Mayo Infografía

C/ Camarena 244, 5º2 28047, Madrid. España t: (+34) 691843507 t:
(+34) 910175547 w: mayoinfografí m: contacto at mayoinfografí


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