Version 35.0.1916.114 (270117) breaks html5 video

Fervent Dissent walkerindarkness at
Sat May 31 14:00:12 UTC 2014

I don't want to use flash and don't know why you suggest moving the lib?

Besides libffmpegsumo is working and the video file is being decoded.
Confirmed by both cpu utilization and some built in video debug info.

I have found in addition to the screen not being redrawn when playing html5
video, the apps link screen, that was once part of the new tab page, also
does not correctly redraw the onrelease animations of the icons. It's the
apps you get from the web store. You can see this by clicking on and
opening that link in a new tab. Onclick the icon is enlarged, onrelease the
icon is shrinked. On the redrawing of the icon to be smaller the top few
pixels of the large image are left visible and not removed.

This is not just a video bug as I had thought.

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Carlos Jacobo Puga Medina <
cjpugmed at> wrote:

> As a temporary workaround, you can disable HTML5 and use flash whereas this
> problem is solved.
> # cd /usr/local/share/chromium && mv
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