Why I support BSD software

Yury Grebenkin yvgrebenkin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 09:25:43 UTC 2020

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 11:41 AM Ralf Mardorf via freebsd-chat
<freebsd-chat at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 10:51:56 +0300, Yury Grebenkin wrote:
> >Please, let me know if something is inaccurate in the article:
> >
> >Why I support BSD software
> >https://yvgrebenkin.wordpress.com/bsd/
> This is absolutely correct, you are just missing a few points. For
> example, the Free Software Foundation is using chemtrails to
> manipulate computer users.
> This is a half-truth:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Shuttleworth#Spaceflight
> Actually Shuttleworth is a shapeshifter alien cow, it can't survive
> without being in space. Like a wale needs to come up to breathe, the
> cow alien needs to tank up cosmic rays at times.
> Hypnotizing red eyed cows manipulate computer users when running the
> Ubuntu/Debian package management's 'moo' option.
> [root at archlinux moonstudio]# systemd-nspawn -q apt moo
>                  (__)
>                  (oo)
>            /------\/
>           / |    ||
>          *  /\---/\
>             ~~   ~~
> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
> --
> > /dev/null

Let's focus on the article. I would not include the points you mention.

-- Yury

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