higher education scholarships for open source or BSD?

Eitan Adler lists at eitanadler.com
Sat Mar 21 00:49:47 UTC 2015

On 20 March 2015 at 10:50, Jeremy C. Reed <reed at reedmedia.net> wrote:
> Anyone heard of any university/college scholarships for studies or
> community involvement related to open source or BSD?
> I only found one: http://opensourcescholars.org/  but date seems to be a
> couple years old. It is about: "This is a scholarship to motivate young
> adults to become involved in open source communities." It is for
> undergraduates for a single college and "The student must have an
> interest in contributing to open source activities or communities." with
> some selection criteria related to that.
> In fact, I'd be interest in starting one.

I also know of this one:

Eitan Adler

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