Unified BSD?

matthew sporleder msporleder at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 21:43:20 UTC 2012

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Robin  Björklin
<robin.bjorklin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> First and foremost I'd like to present myself, I'm a young and naive junior
> sys admin that think people should be able to compromise and see the bigger
> picture and the good of the cause.
> Now over to the reason for my post.
> As all of you probably know there's a lot of buzz around Gnu/Linux these
> days and I'm pretty sure you couldn't care less. What I'm wondering is why
> the BSD community which from what I can gather isn't as big as the Linux
> community have decided to split their resources into several different
> projects/forks/distributions. To me it seems *BSD would be in a more
> competitive shape if all developers would get in under one roof?
> Am I bat crap crazy for thinking it could be good to merge the four largest
> BSD variants out there, take the best bits and pieces out of each and create
> a Unified BSD?
> Kind Regards,
> Robin Bjorklin

Model yourself after Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino who was involved in Net,
Open, and Free BSD.

If you are interested in generating linux-like "buzz" advocate
hardware manufacturers and industry types to fund (with money)
development of drivers.


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